It has been ten years since 19 Islamic extremists hijacked four jet liners and flew them into the Twin Towers of New York City, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania farm field, that final aircraft missing Washington, D.C., only when heroic passengers overpowered the terrorists. Ten years since 3,000 Americans died in one day. In the…

Ah!  What Moses could’ve done if he’d had an iPhone or Droid in his hands. Then again, maybe it’s a good thing the Lawgiver of Old did not have such high-tech options. As it was, we got Ten Commandments few people (well, none) are able to completely follow. Can you imagine what he may have…

So, some of my fellow Christians are making a fuss over “Dancing with the Stars” inviting Chaz Bono, the transgendered child of singer Cher, to participate in the popular ABC TV show’s next season. Some are even calling for a boycott. This almost makes me want to laugh — at the moral irony implicit in…

In a recent blog, I wrote about how Christians are increasingly becoming dissatisfied with traditional church – the big buildings; the pews; the three songs, an offering and sermon routines so long the fabric of Sunday worship. Underlying this disconnect with the superficial glad-handing and shallow Sunday-go-to-meeting “friendships” of a typical congregation, believers want something…

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