Pray for the Persecuted Church

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Asia Noreen Bibi is a faithful Christian whose crime is telling her Muslim co-workers about her faith in Jesus. For that, she was denounced in 2009 as having blasphemed Islam. Today, she sits in prison, awaiting an appeal of her death sentence.

For six months, Beijing’s 1,000-member Shouwang Church has attempted to hold outdoor services after officials blocked them from taking possession of a $4 million property. Today, the church’s leaders are under house arrest. Any church member who shows up at the park designated for Sunday services is arrested. The Chinese government only allows Christian services…

Muslim extremists have sent text messages to at least 10 church leaders in Khartoum saying they are planning to target Christian leaders, buildings and institutions, Christian sources in Khartoum tell the Compass Direct news service. “We want this country to be purely an Islamic state, so we must kill the infidels and destroy their churches…

Many of China’s churches are overflowing, as the number of Christians in the country multiplies, reports Tim Gardam for the British Broadcasting Company. “It is impossible to say how many Christians there are in China today, but noone denies the numbers are exploding,” he writes. “The government says 25 million, 18 million Protestants and six…

Muslim youths hacked a Christian family of eight to death in Nigeria’s volatile Plateau state, continuing a week of religious violence, according to the British news service Reuters. Over the last month, extremists have killed 24 Christians, reported the human rights group Compass Direct, which reported that attacks on August 11-15 in Ratsa Foron village left six Christians dead;…

A Christian nurse here has told police she was raped by a Muslim co-worker who filmed the act and showed it to her family in an attempt to blackmail her into renouncing her faith and marrying him. Christians have little legal or societal standing in Pakistan — and Muslim criminals tend to assume they will not be prosecuted if their…

Five members of a small suburban “house church” got up at 4 a.m. Sunday hoping to slip past police and worship Jesus with persecuted believers from the 1,000-member Shouwang Church in Beijing. However, police were out in force and caught the five — interrogated them and attempted to get them to sign statements “repenting” of their support…

Blind activist Chen Guangcheng — who has infuriated the Chinese government by exposing their much-denied practice of forcing women to have unwanted abortions — will be transferred to a small prison built specifically for him and his wife, Yuan Weijing, according to a Radio Free Asia. Chen’s friend He Peirong reports that the couple will be forcibly…

Five Chinese Christian leaders arrested in the “Linfen police riot” have been released after two years in a labor camp. On Sept. 13, 2009, 400 local police and Chinese government officials descended upon the church, demolished its buildings and clashed with hundreds of church members who rushed to defend their new sanctuary, classrooms, offices and an adjacent cloth shoe factory…

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