Want to look 5 pounds thinner, be more confident, sound better and feel happy? Just stand up straight – it’s that simple. Look 5 Pounds Thinner NOW! Good posture instantly takes off 5 pounds! Stand erect and your clothes will hang gracefully on your body, you’ll look five pounds thinner, and you are sure to…

Have I told you how much I love, love, love my Slow Cooker (a.k.a. Crock Pot)?  Well, I do!   No matter how much I screw up, as in misread the instructions, measure incorrectly, or forget an ingredient, somehow or another, the slow cooker delivers a scrumptious and impressive meal. This week, I tried out my…

Whether or not you decide to follow the 17 Day Diet Plan (the new hot fat-melting plan on the block), you need to know that it’s not about the food – it’s not about your fat – it’s about your life!!!! That’s right folks.  The reason people lose ‘it’ and find ‘it’ again is because…

While brewing up my Rise and Grind Wednesday pot of coffee, the Feng Shui Rules of the Stove surfaced in my foggy (pre-coffee mind), and I thought them important enough to share with you!!!  Especially if prosperity is a concern! 6 Feng Shui Rules of the Stove and How It Affects Your Prosperity (big time)!…

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