Heavy in comfort, low in calories, this recipe is brought to you by your favorite Dysfunctional Chef. Creamy Squash n’ Corn Casserole – a.k.a. Mellow Yellow Blend Ingredients: 2 cups (16 ozs.) cottage cheese (full fat, 2% fat, low fat – your call!) 4 egg whites 1 egg 2 cups fresh corn kernels (about two…

My friends at Polar Seltzer shared a bounty of Oscar cocktail recipes with inspired names for your Sunday night Oscar party pleasure! Remember to: Drink (and eat) in moderation. Make wise choices (some of these are lower in calories than others). Laugh, Love, Set LIMITS! “THE LORD OF LIGHT” – inspired by Argo Rose Water…

Early yesterday, I “dressed up” in no less than six (6) layers, braving Storm Nemo, making my way to the supermarket to buy the ingredients that would ultimately manifest no less than 10 servings of Moroccan Lentils and Rice for the hungry, cold and tired. I mixed all the ingredients (with the exception of the…

Ceviche (“seh-BEE-chay”) is an extremely popular dish in South America, whose basic ingredient is raw fish.  Raw fish, cut into bite-sized piece, marinated in the juice of an acidic fruit (usually lime), salt and various seasonings.   The juice changes the texture of the fish and “cooks” the fish, either partially or completely, depending on how…

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