In the mood for comfort food that increases brain power as it ignites happy energy?  Who’d say no to that? You Don’t Have to Be Einstein Tuna Casserole, one of my favorite recipes, is from All Is Forgiven, Move On: Our Lady of Weight Loss’s 101 Fat Burning Steps on Your Journey to Sveltesville by…

Our Lady of Weight Loss heard through the Christmas Grapevine that a good many of her Jewish friends and family go out for Chinese food on Christmas.   In fact (here’s a juicy tidbit for you), when Justice Elena Kagan was asked by a senator at her Supreme Court confirmation hearings where she was on Christmas,…

Last Thanksgiving, for a change of pace, I whipped up “Janny’s Lentil Pate” that was to die for.  It was a mega-hit.  People asked for the recipe!  It’s delicious, it’s healthy, it’s amazing and it’s Our Lady of Weight Loss approved! Janny’s Lentil Pâté Ingredients: 1 tablespoon canola oil 1 large onion, chopped 3 garlic…

This dish is so good, it takes all kinds of restraint NOT to eat it before it hits the table, which frankly I seem to be lacking.  I’d be lost without my duct tape (hilarious video!)!   It is DIVINE!  I dare you to try it! Oh…and it’s Holiday Worthy, too! Poached Figs Servings: 2…

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