Our Lady of Weight Loss

Today’s JigSaw Puzzle is inspired by the Buddha’s words – Our body is … a vehicle for awakening. Take good care of it. Chew on the Buddha’s words as you not only click through this week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle, but AWAKEN, as well! If not now, when??? Chew, think, add your comments…

What effect will losing weight have on the wider systems in your life?  Wider systems include but are not limited to family, friends, work, neighborhood. No man is an island, Entire of itself … John Donne It is true, no-(wo)man is an island unto herself, and how she changes ripples out and affects her systems. …

The amount of temptation outside the home is enormous. First there’s the office, and the lure of the overflowing bowls of candy in the mailroom, the enticing chocolate chip cookies that your cubicle mate is munching on (rather loudly, I might add), the vending machines that call out your name on the hour every half…

Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss, Forgive Me, For I Have Sinned! I woke up with a killer headache. For whatever reason, I stumbled into the kitchen for relief (aspirin and a loaf of bread, a mighty combo?).  There it was…the challah bread…that my “friend” brought to dinner (to tempt me? to derail me?). I…

Yesterday afternoon, I decided to try out a new vegan “chicken” dish.  I was so sure that it would be great, that I called a few friends and said, “Come on over for dinner.  I’m making a vegan meal and I promise that it will be, at the very least mediocre.”  We laughed, but in…

Are you making progress? It has been said that those who experience that they are making progress are happier. Any type of progress will do! So…are you? Making progress? Here, 9 Quotes about Progress, from the Queen of Progress, that can help you to clarify your progress! I don’t know where I am going, but…

What would losing weight give you that you wouldn’t otherwise have? What will losing weight do for you? People say, “My resolution is to lose weight.” To which, I reply? “What will achieving that goal give you and/or do for you?” Whatever your answer may be, continue to ask, “What will achieving _____ do for…

We are one month into the New Year. One month into our resolutions. One month into our promises. That’s right. We promised ourselves a myriad of things, which may include: to lose weight, to exercise more, to de-clutter, to stop smoking…to walk the straight and narrow. We promised to get our act together in some…

Here’s the great thing about slow cookers (a.k.a. crock-pots).  You lovingly and carefully load it up in the morning with all kinds of healthy ingredients, and when you return home at the end of a hard day’s work, you are greeted by incredibly good smelling and tasting food. Try this curry dish on Cous Cous! …

What stops you?  When you hear yourself saying, “I can’t,” stop talking and tune in. In all likelihood, there is a limiting belief lurking in the “fatty” recesses of your mind. Someone like you: “I can’t lose weight.” Ask yourself: “What stops you?” Followed by a quick: “What could happen if you did stop?” Ahhhh…now…

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