On the Wings of Angels

Another week has gone by   We ask you to think of a color that is pleasing to you. Imaging the color wrapping around you engulfing you with its healing qualities and helping to see the clarity of a situation that needs to be healed.  Imagining this color healing the pain and hurt or loss…

Today’s message from the angels. “To live life with intention is a choice you were given.  When you live from your heart, intention has a positive outcome, as you know the intention is sent or done with love. We want to tell you that with positive intention of a certain outcome or dream or wish,…

  Yesterday, October 4th, was St. Francis of Assisi, who had a love of all creatures, especially animals.  Many faiths, celebrate this day with the blessing of the animals and having the animals come to a service to be honored and to be blessed. Honoring our animals and each other, was what St. Francis was…

I am praying for us all, this weekend. I will be asking the angels for their loving energy and peace to surround us all.  So many are struggling, yet keeping going. It’s all we can do, because we have no control of what others may say or do. We can keep the faith, continue our…

The 29th of September was the feast day for Archangel Michael and all of the Archangels, including, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Uriel.  This feast day is called Michaelmas, which was celebrated in the UK and a few other, European countries.  There is a lot of really rich tradition, speaking of this feast day,…

September 28, 2015 Monday Morning message: The   Angels wish us Peace Today, the air is a bit crisp, yet the sun is out and feels warm on my shoulders.   Also I am seeing a lot more people outside today, and lots of smiles. There seems to be in the air, a feeling of anticipation,…

  In my back yard, in front of the cars that are parked there, is a beautiful garden, of flowers, going the length of the parking lot.  So this little garden is long and narrow, yes filled up with flowers of the season, a few swings and also of greenery too.  There are some solar…

    Today is the first day of autumn and I am so glad the weather is cooling down.  It has been a hot summer here in the Northeast.  Autumn is my favorite time of the year, because of the rich traditions connected with my career as a teacher, and how I used the seasonal…

Archangel Raphael has a message for us today. Today dear children I want to speak of feeling lost in the world. Not knowing what you want for your life, and thinking there are no options for us in anyway.  The pain felt is a feeling helplessness, feeling hopeless, and a feeling of being a failure…

There are days that we live in total exasperation. Has anyone had that happen to them?  Today is one of those days.   I am counting to 10 about 10 times, and asking for my angels to help me see where this exasperation is coming from.  And I see that it’s mostly from myself, but also…

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