The 29th of September was the feast day for Archangel Michael and all of the Archangels, including, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Uriel.  This feast day is called Michaelmas, which was celebrated in the UK and a few other, European countries.  There is a lot of really rich tradition, speaking of this feast day, on the internet and your local libraries.  There is also a connection of the fall equinox and the changing of the seasons from summer to fall and also the bringing of the harvest, and preparation for the winter months coming soon.

Around this time, I asked Archangel Michael to share a message of hope and love to us all on the earth plane.  He is always happy to share his wisdom with us anytime and but particularly on this day too, even if it’s a day late.

“Children believe in yourselves to do the right thing. Know that you have the inner strength to do what you think you cannot do.   Think of a time when you were wanting to do something, and you said, “Oh I can’t do that.  And as you made some attempts you were able to find the tools or the people to speak with to get the help you needed and also the strength to continue with your goal.   We all have goals and sometimes underestimating ourselves in a very human trait.  What seems impossible is truly possible. Of course we are speaking of goals that are positive for you and for all concerned.  We your angels, can guide and help to put the puzzle pieces in place too.  We are not only speaking on a personal level but also community, country and worldwide goal.  We are proud of the positive steps you are making in helping others, in whatever way this is happening.  Living your truth and living in integrity, is the easiest way to know all is well.”

I hope you enjoyed your Michaelmas Day too.  In doing some research, I saw there were a lot of different traditions having to do with food, and dessert too. Also did you know Michaelmas Day has a flower connected to the day? It’s the daisy, colored or white.  It has to do with the season, of fall beginning and the flower that is we see at this time.

Please share your traditions of Michaelmas in the comments section of this blogpost.

Tomorrow is October…Amazing…










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