One City

by Patrick Groneman See it’s all about the cheddar, nobody do it better. “Chaos should be regarded as extremely good news” – Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

by Kirsten Firminger According to the United States government (during World War II), it is your patriotic duty to waste less and recycle more. All of these propaganda advertising images are courtesy of Duke University’s Ad*Access digital image database. Click on “Continue Reading This Post” below to see more images.

by Ellen Scordato This past weekend I clicked thru on a link in a tweet from a buddhist poster, and discovered what led to several articles about the sad deaths of two people at the Spiritual Warrior in Sedona, Arizona, led by James Arthur Ray, a self-help author. Both the Times and Fox News articles…

by Ethan Nichtern Both yoga and Buddhist meditation philosophy ask practitioners to refrain from the act of killing – whether directly or indirectly – as much as possible. In the American yoga communities I am part of, vegetarianism is fairly prevalent. In the Buddhist communities, somehow, not as much (though some Buddhist practitioners are certainly…

By Stillman Brown The first part of last night’s Heartcore Dharma class at the Interdependence Project was spent discussing dana, or the quality and practice of generosity. This got me thinking about one aspect of generosity with which I have shamefully little experience: charitable giving.  A quick search reveals that while charitable giving is not recession…

The truth is, I’m an accidental Soto Zen Buddhist.  When I initially learned to meditate, I had little interest in sticking to any particular tradition.  I liked to call myself a “non-denominational” Buddhist and didn’t really see a need to identify with one school of Buddhism or another.  When I moved to Kansas, I joined…

by Ethan Nichtern CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Nobel Laureate, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, about his apparent brush-off from the newest Nobel Peace Prize Winner, President Barack Obama. The Dalai Lama, in the fashion of embodying peace, was quite gracious. Blitzer, in the fashion of a cable news journalist, went probing for controversy. I don’t…

by Patrick Groneman I too, was lucky enough to get tickets to see a very timely talk by Zen Monk Thich Nhat Hanh today in New York City.  He spoke of the importance of building peaceful and compassionate communities, just a day after the surprising announcement that Barack Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize…for…

by Paul Griffin I’ve just returned from a day of mindfulness with Thich Nhat Hanh.  This wonderful daylong program at the Beacon Theater in Manhattan was sponsored by the Omega Institute.  The focus of TNH or Thay’s message was building a more peaceful and compassionate community through the practice of personal or inner mindfulness.  In…

by Ethan Nichtern All day yesterday, many of us, myself included, were saying to ourselves, they gave Obama the Nobel Peace Prize, For What? On the day that our President was awarded arguably the most hopeful award that exists on planet Earth, I got to watch another Nobel Peace Prize nominee speak, one who truly…

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