One City

The late Buddhist master Chogyam Trungpa described a dynamic he called “idiot compassion” as follows: Idiot compassion .  .stems from not having enough courage to say no. . . .In order that your compassion doesn’t become idiot compassion, you have to use your intelligence. Otherwise, there could be self-indulgence of thinking that you are creating…

The Balloon Boy story – a Colorado family released a UFO-like weather balloon and pretended their son was aboard to garner media attention – has gotten weirder and weirder since it’s inception as a relatively mundane Child In Crisis news cycle. I don’t like following these sensations because I’m not immune to getting sucked in…

by Ethan Nichtern Greetings from the Shambhala Sangha Retreat in gorgeous Vermont, where I am acting as a meditation instructor under the awesome mind-heart training, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, the coolest Buddhist teacher this side of the Himalayas, in my humble opinion. The quote below is about practicing meditation in everyday life. I am teaching a…

by Evelyn Cash I really don’t watch much TV anymore.  When I want to catch up on the shows I’m interested in, I turn to Hulu.  A few weeks ago, began noticing ads on Hulu for a website called “Kiva” that allows people all over the world to make micro-loans to entrepreneurs primarily in developing…

Here is the dharma poem of the week, a wonderful poem by Mahmoud Darwish. I Was Not With Me Staring at the ceiling, resting my face on my hand, like some- body stealing up on a fresh idea, or lying in wait for a gleam  of inspiration.  After a few hours I realized I wasn’t…

by Lodro Rinzler Before Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment at age 35 he was a confused twenty and thirty-something looking to learn how to live a spiritual life. He had an overbearing dad, expectations for what he was supposed to do with his life, drinks were flowing, lutes were playing, and the women were all about…

“Wakefulness is our natural state: enlightened, complete, perfect in wisdom and compassion. It’s not something outside ourselves that we need to attain or become. But it’s also true that some effort is required to get in touch with it–and that effort is what spiritual practice is about.” – From Acharyan Gaylon Ferguson’s “Natural Wakefulness” This…

by Davee Evans How about a year off? NY designer Stefan Sagmeister does this every seven years. He shuts his design firm, and heads off to work on personal projects for creative renewal. Watch his views on taking time off at the TED conference. Stefan’s suggestion is outrageous for the working world, but not news…

by Jon Rubinstein I’m a talent and literary manager. Recently, a problem was brought to my attention regarding an upcoming release. So we all got on the phone–movie studio executives, publicists, agents, and myself–to discuss the situation and see if we could find some resolution. Going in, there was considerable tension; the call was arranged…

by Jerry Kolber What the hell happened to health care reform? It turns out that not only is Barack Obama not some sort of savior, messiah, or angel, as his post-election pre-office halo seemed to suggest, he is also not even able to push a clear mandate for comprehensive health care reform through congress –…

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