O Me of Little Faith

I mentioned it briefly in a post last week, but I’m a big fan of The Junky Car Club. The JCC is a laid-back coalition of happy drivers who intentionally tool around in less-than-new vehicles. Why? Three big reasons: 1) Junky Car Clubbers think it’s important to get off the materialism treadmill, that there’s no…

First of all, happy Leap Day! Did you know that there’s just a .068 percent chance of being born on Leap Day, compared to a .27 percent chance of being born any other day of the year? Around 200,000 leaplings live in the U.S., with up to four million worldwide. Bust out those facts at…

This is the question most often asked of published writers by potential writers: I’ve got a great idea for a book. How do I go about getting it published? (HT: Robert Fortner‘s comment on this post) I wish I had a good — or at least encouraging — answer. These days it’s hard to get…

You can only hold onto your personal dignity for so long, and for me, that time has probably come to an end with my answers to the Prayers for Blowouts Sports Survey. Once you read today’s post at this excellent sports/faith blog, it will become clear that: 1) I am a huge dork; and 2)…

Over the last few months, I’ve had the opportunity to do some freelance work for Mike Foster and his innovative culture-challenging, good-doing, non-profit organization, Ethur. One of Ethur’s projects is the Junky Car Club, which is just plain awesome (and not only because I’m a contributor to its blog). But the Ethur project I want…

A quick thanks to Cameron Reeves and the gracious team at Basilica Church in Canyon, Texas, for inviting me in to speak last night. Basilica is a young church plant with a distinctively progressive, ecumenical outlook, and it’s good to see young families and couples and college students creating community among themselves while also getting…

You might have noticed that my books tend to have longish, quirky titles and subtitles. So far in my writing career, I’ve had the luxury of being able to mostly have my way when it comes to book titles, and that’s resulted in books like A Guy’s Guide to Life: How to Become a Man…

I want to briefly use this (small, hardly noticeable) platform to call attention to one of my favorite social justice organizations. Healing Waters International is a Colorado-based nonprofit that provides clean water to the urban poor of Guatemala, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic by installing water purification systems in local churches. The churches then sell…

As promised, I’d like to revisit the previous post about Estus Pirkle’s mind-boggling evangelistic film from the 70s. If you’re anything like me, you go through a multi-stage emotional process when you watch something like “The Believer’s Heaven.” Let me sum up this mental journey: Stage 1: Shock.(Is this real? This came from The Onion,…

In recent weeks, a really short, low-budget religious film has been making the you’ve-gotta-see-this rounds among cackling irreligious hipsters and flinching people of faith. Written and produced by old-time Mississippi Baptist minister Estus Pirkle, the film is called “The Believer’s Heaven.” It was made in 1977. And it’s…fascinating. Wonderful. Super-creepy. Pretty much any adjective you…

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