O Me of Little Faith

I was just introduced to a young but already popular blog, thanks to a tip from my brother. It’s called Stuff White People Like, and it’s either a brilliantly funny model of satire or it’s borderline racist (depending on how sensitive you are about being stereotyped for your Caucasian-ness — check out all the comments…

One question I always want to ask professional writers is about the process of writing for them — when do you write, where do you write, what’s your deskspace like, etc? Since this blog is partially supposed to be about the business and career and culture of writing, I’m thinking that might make a good…

Three weeks ago I shared about how I don’t necessarily heart Valentine’s Day, which — if you keep up with these things — is today. The article I mentioned working on back then has now been published at TrueU.org, so if you want to know even more about my dislike for the fake holiday (plus…

I’ve been keeping up with the Writer’s Guild strike fairly closely over the last three months, primarily because 1) I’m a writer, though I’m not in the guild, and 2) because I seriously wanted to know when I would get to watch a new episode of “The Office.” Yay! Finally the strike is over. That…

I got blog meme-tagged by my Interwebs friend Bryan, so I will hereby follow the rules and tell you some things about myself you didn’t know you wanted to know. The rules are as follows: 1. Link to the person that tagged you. (Done.)2. Post the rules on your blog. (Done.)3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks…

I’m finishing up book #1 in my three-book Pocket Guide deal with Jossey-Bass: Pocket Guide to Sainthood. And there are so many good/weird/funny stories that it was a challenge to keep the book pocket-sized. It seriously could have been called Suitcase-Sized Guide to Sainthood, which has the alliteration thing going for it but isn’t nearly…

The sporting world has always been enamored of multitaskers. Bo Jackson (Baseball, Football), Joe Gibbs (Football, NASCAR), Bill Belichick (Football, Videography, Fashion). We learned this week that the world of sports blogging also has a few notable multitaskers. And no, it’s not Curt Schilling (Pitching, Blogging). The anonymous guys at Fire Joe Morgan — an…

I just finished participating in a bit of immersion journalism that’s slated to appear in the May/June issue of Relevant Magazine. For those who aren’t hip with the supersecret writing lingo, immersion journalism is the kind of writing where a journalist embeds himself (or herself) in an activity, event, or experience and then writes about…

By virtue of my background, membership, and my current church attendance (though, perhaps, not my theology), I am a Southern Baptist. Thanks to our Anabaptist heritage — which threw out anything smacking of popishness back in the 17th century — I knew nothing of the church calendar during my formative religious years. So Lent wasn’t…

I’m not generally a big Super Bowl watcher. There have been a couple games over the past few years that I didn’t watch at all. Two years ago, my wife and I were in in Las Vegas on Super Bowl weekend and we watched the game while making our way down the strip. So I…

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