Saturn square Neptune is making it difficult for many of us to make realistic long-term plans for ourselves, or for us to figure out where we fit in the Universe. This week the ongoing Saturn-Neptune Square reaches another exact peak, and we’re all likely to feel the effects on some level or another. As difficult…

The Sign: Sagittarius, the Archer The Hero: The Doctor, Doctor Who Known For: Wandering through time and space, never quite showing up where or when he planned to, stumbling into a situation where he could get killed but surviving and beating the bad guy (or: beating the bad guy and getting killed but then changing…

Saturn square Neptune is the biggest astrological news of 2016. It will be in effect for most if not all of the year, and hits exact this June and November. Like any other major difficult aspect, it doesn’t guarantee doom for everyone, but for some of us it will be difficult, especially if you have…

I (and many other commentators) out there have written about the Saturn-Neptune Square happening now, and how it is the source of many problems and obstacles and generally seems to be making a lot of things collapse. Saturn square Neptune naturally represents a time when hard work and order clash with belief and delusion, and…

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