As any astrologer can tell you, Neptune is the planet most associated with delusion and self-deception. Furthermore, a planet is particularly strong when it is in the Sign that it rules. So it’s perhaps no surprise that Neptune in Pisces has brought us a new and modern twist on delusion: clickbait. If you are unfamiliar…

Astrologers fall all over themselves trying to explain how Neptune works in a birth chart and in transits. Liz Greene wrote a brilliant, phone-book-sized volume about it that still came out largely as a stack of metaphors. I’ve tried to boil down Neptune into simple, easy to understand terms today. And in the tradition of…

Saturn square Neptune is making it difficult for many of us to make realistic long-term plans for ourselves, or for us to figure out where we fit in the Universe. This week the ongoing Saturn-Neptune Square reaches another exact peak, and we’re all likely to feel the effects on some level or another. As difficult…

Saturn square Neptune has been that nagging transit lurking the shadows of your life since last November, and it’s going to be a factor until nearly the end of this year, with the next peak hitting in June. Previously when I had written about it, I had focused on the potential weirdness of it all…

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