(Part One is HERE) The effects of the Moon’s Nodes are a little like karma, or art, or pornography… everyone knows what those things are when they see them, but pinning down a quick and simple definition is a little trickier. The North Node is sometimes called “The Dragon’s Head,” and the South Node is…

I only realized recently that I’ve written very little about the role of the Moon’s Nodes in astrology. That’s a shame, really: they’re incredibly useful and instructive things, and can be just as valuable as any of the planets in your birth chart. In fact, Vedic Astrology calls them “shadow planets”: like planets, but not…

Part One (Aries to Cancer) is HERE, and Part Two (Leo to Scorpio) is HERE. The planet Mercury in your birth chart has a lot of things to do with what’s on your mind, how your thoughts work, and how you translate those thoughts into words and behaviors. It’s the part of you that plays…

The planet Mercury in your birth chart has a lot of things to do with what’s on your mind, how your thoughts work, and how you translate those thoughts into words and behaviors. It’s the part of you that plays along with game shows at home. These are personal qualities that, to be honest, most…

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