(This is a part of the Astrology Of Love And Compatibility series. Part One, “The Cardinal Grand Cross Uncouples Gwyneth And Chris,” is HERE.) We’ve all seen it before: a friend of yours meet someone new, and you check in three weeks later and everything is absolutely wonderful. Your friend can’t say enough good things…

(This is a part of the “Astrology Of Love And Compatibility” series. Part One is HERE)   (WARNING: Just as many of you have in the past at some point defended your choice in Loved Ones against well-meaning friends who can’t help but point out the flaws that everyone except you can see a mile…

(This is part of the “Astrology Of Love And Compatibility” series.) Once again, science has backed up something that many of us knew all along: Overall, “bad boys” get the girl (or get more girls) more often than “good boys.”   Specifically, a study done by New Mexico University shows that there are certain personality…

There will be a Full Moon this Valentine’s Day. In order to prepare you properly I am writing this angry, disappointed rant now so that you may practice your own dismay well in advance. Don’t get me wrong: I love Love, but let’s be honest here… Valentine’s Day comes pre-loaded for emotional disappointment unlike any…

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