(CLICK HERE for Part One, “The Astrology Of Why Your Soulmate Situation Sucks”) Dear JM: I would like to thank you for your comments on Facebook about my recent blog entry concerning soulmates. I know it may seem odd to some that I am thanking you, because you began with “This was horrible. It should…

I can’t tell you for sure whether or not it’s love that really makes the world go round, but it’s certainly a large part of an astrologer’s business. And, just as the average doctor gets to see a lot more sick people than healthy ones, over the years I have developed a real eye for…

A great deal of what I do as an astrologer involves helping people sort out their love lives. What has gone wrong? Why did everything stop going right? Why don’t I have a love life? Why can’t I decide between this or that? Many an astrologer and counselor and poet have been kept gainfully employed…

MW writes: “I’ve been reading a lot about the Venus-Saturn square aspect in my birth chart. It sounds like my love life is doomed, and that I will always fail in relationships or attract ‘bad love’ to myself. Can you explain that, and is it true?” Any aspect in a birth chart can potentially manifest…

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