Oh My Stars

One of the things astrology is most useful for is finding the inception chart for something: a new venture, starting a business, when to quit smoking, when to get married… every action has a birth chart of its own, and finding the optimum “birth chart” for it. You’ll notice I said “optimum” and not “perfect.”…

Hey, remember when the Mayan Calendar ran out in December 2012 and the world ended? Or when that whole Blood Moon thing happened in 2014-2015 and the world ended? Or how about when the Y2K bug hit, and the world ended? Or that eclipse Nostradamus wrote about in 1999 hit, and the world ended?  Or……

In astrology, Mars is the planet that rules ambition and the sex drive. It’s also the planet in your birth chart that is most likely to show how you annoy people. Here’s a handy guide to how you probably come across on a bad day… or if you prefer, a guide to how to perfect…

Don’t panic… if it’s Western Astrology you want, I’ll be back to regular business next time. But if you’ve ever heard of Vedic Astrology (the kind of astrology traditionally practiced in India… and which I’ve written about before HERE), you’ve likely heard two things: 1) It’s really accurate 2) It’s ridiculously complex and hard to…

Although modern astrologers are told to not look at aspects as being “good” or “bad,” there’s no question that some aspects are a lot more comfortable to live with than others. If you’ve ever read a basic online description of your birth chart, you’ve likely come across something that sounds… well, mostly horrible. Like, Moon…

Aquarius is high-minded and likes to live a life uncompromised by mere human failings in pursuit of its goals. Venus is all about the Love, and the little personal touches that make life a better place. What will happen when these two meet? Will it be a powerful fusion of hopes and dreams? Or, as…

I’ve been asked a few times recently as to how one can go about choosing a good, reputable astrologer. There is the usual advice, of course: ask others who have seen him/her, don’t be afraid to ask questions about the astrologer’s practice before you set up the appointment, and so on. And hey, if you’re…

Dear Female Readers: Thank you for dropping by. Your readership is always appreciated, but today I want to talk to the men out there. (Pause until all the women leave the room.) Okay guys, listen up: We have a lot of work to do. Give me a few minutes of your time, and I’ll make…

I am still taking a little time off to recover from a combination cold/flu/Ebola and a boatload of genuinely terrible transits. I am now getting back to setting up readings again and am slowly working my way through a mountain of unanswered e-mails. In the meantime… as proof of life on my part, and as…

“Midway upon the journey of our life I found myself within a forest dark, For the straightforward pathway had been lost.” -Dante Alighieri, Inferno Apologies in advance, but this blog entry may prove awkward for both of us. Although I draw from my personal experience often when writing this blog, it’s rare for me to…

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