One of the better-known concepts in astrology is the Saturn Return. This happens roughly once every 28 years or so, when Saturn returns to the same point of the Zodiac that it was at when you were born. It generally has a reputation for being a difficult time, filled with unexpected challenges. Of course the…

It’s been a rough week for comedians. On Tuesday, published a picture of her holding a bloodied Donald Trump mask as if she were waving his severed head around. Then, on Friday, Real Time host Bill Maher (in conversation with Senator Bill Sasee) in which Maher referred to himself as — oh, it involves…

(Some spoilers for the first two seasons of The Leftovers, but really you should have watched those by now, because it’s that damned good) Much of what I do as an astrologer is look at people’s transits: the things that the Universe is doing with (and to) a person at any given time. Often as…

Saturn square Neptune is making it difficult for many of us to make realistic long-term plans for ourselves, or for us to figure out where we fit in the Universe. This week the ongoing Saturn-Neptune Square reaches another exact peak, and we’re all likely to feel the effects on some level or another. As difficult…

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