On Monday, Mars enters Virgo. Although Mars can always bring mayhem whenever it likes, A Virgo Mars doesn’t have the reputation for danger as in a lot of other places in the Zodiac. That might be different this time around, due to an unexpected culprit: Mercury. Mercury rules Virgo, and thus has an influence on…

Here’s what’s coming up for you this week! Here you’ll find a listing of the major planetary aspects (exact date and time are listed, with a plus or minus range of days they’ll be in effect), and Moon aspects to help you gauge the mood. Moon Void of Course (more about that HERE) days and…

A typical horoscope lays out what you can expect for yourself in the next week or month based on your Sun Sign. That sort of thing is great, sure… especially if you happen to be the only person on your planet. Astrology, like life in general, is a lot more complicated than “there are twelve…

(Hey, you like horoscopes, don’t you? Sure you do! CLICK HERE to read your January horoscope!) Here’s the most important astrological forecast of the month. Really? Yes! Why? Knowing when the Moon Void of Course is happening is probably the handiest of all the common astrological techniques. Learn it, make it work for you, and…

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