Previously, I illustrated how the major aspects worked by describing how Mercury and Mars would interact while in a long line-up to get their Driver’s Licenses renewed (click here if you missed it). Also previously, I picked on the minor aspects a little because, well… they’re minor aspects (click here for that). A few people chimed in to defend the minor aspects, so I decided to give them one more spotlight.

After this, though? I’m sending the little gaffers off to bed so the adults can party without them.



MERC: We need to make this happen more quickly.

MARS: …without actually getting ourselves arrested, of course.

MERC: I have an idea!

MARS: It’s probably not a very good one. Let’s just shove our way through.

MERC: That would be rude, and might get us arrested.

MARS: You’re such a wimp!

(MERC and MARS argue the merits of their individual approaches for a couple of hours until they eventually reach the front of the line.)

MERC: (Sarcastically) Nice work, dude.

MARS: We should have done it my way!

(They continue to argue. It gets louder, and there is some shoving. The police show up and arrest MERC and MARS)

MERC: Nice work, bonehead.

MARS: Shut up!


MERC: We need to make this happen more quickly.

MARS: …without actually getting ourselves arrested, of course.

MERC: I’ve decided to express my frustration in the form of a haiku.

Stupid licences

People standing in line-ups

Sheep to the slaughter.

(MERC and MARS look around. The line-up hasn’t changed at all.)

MARS: Well, that did no good whatsoever.

MERC: Hmmmm. Maybe if I try a sonnet…


MERC: We need to make this happen more quickly.

MARS: Let us align ourselves with the Divine Wisdom of the Universe and see if that helps.

MERC and MARS: (Chanting, with their eyes closed) Om mani padme hummmmmmm…..

(MERC and MARS do this for about twenty minutes. They open their eyes to discover the line-up hasn’t moved at all.)

MERC: Hmmm. Maybe we should try another approach.

MERC and MARS: (Chanting, with their eyes closed) Nam Hyo Renge Kyo, Nam Hyo Renge Kyo, Nam Hyo Renge Kyo…

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