I have read Ron Purser and David Loy’s Huffington Post blog entry, Beyond McMindfulness. They write a thoughtful indictment of the popularization of all things mindfulness, especially in the corporate context. There are many important points made in this essay: Uncoupling mindfulness from its ethical and religious Buddhist context is understandable as an expedient move…

My dogs have personalities. Each distinct. They show emotions: joy, frustration, excitement, anger, fear, anxiety, affection, and although I haven’t seen it with these guys yet, sadness. All emotions we have. What this shows us is that there can be emotions and even personality without the person. We, humans, tend to identify ourselves with the…

When it comes to spiritual development we tend to be perfectionists and also hypocrites. I will address perfectionism in this post and hypocrisy in another. I’ve read a lot of books on Buddhism and mindfulness over the past thirty years. Most of them inadvertently exploit our perfectionistic tendencies. We just don’t want some liberation, we…

I often wonder over the state of the world trying to understand why things are the way they are. The Buddha was right: greed, hatred, and delusion are the sources of suffering. This applies to the world as well. I was thinking the other day, “What would the world be like if all the money…

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