Mindfulness Matters

Tiger Woods, the number one ranked golfer in the world, was two shots from last place after the second day of play at the World Golf Championship Bridgestone Invitational a tournament he has won seven times in the past. In most tournaments he would have failed to make the cut and would have gone home…

About two-thirds the way through online Morning Meditation, I heard what sounded like a gun shot and then complete power failure. A sudden and irrevocable intrusion of reality into the moment. I apologize to those of you in the classroom for my sudden disappearance. I felt “powerless” to do anything about it since we were…

I have just authored a guest blog on Shambhala SunSpace, the blog of the Shambhala Sun. Thanks to Rod Meade Sperry and my publicist at Wisdom Publications, Joe Evans, for inviting me to post. The guest blog is entitled: Mindfulness for Pain and “FOMO” and comments upon an article on pain in the latest issue…

eMindful.com is a cutting edge leader in online mindfulness education, taking advantage of video conferencing technology to offer mindfulness in unique formats. eMindful brings mindfulness into the Information Age and does so in a way that represents skillful means or upaya because it makes the wisdom of mindfulness accessible to people who might otherwise not…

Former Catholic nun, Karen Armstrong authored the brilliant book on the Buddha’s life, entitled, simply enough, Buddha. She has also published many fine books on the history of religion. Listen to her TED Prize Talk and her invitation to compassion, a behavior, common to all religions. And, by the way, the pathway to the divine,…

Performance artist Janine Antoni provides a compelling image for mindfulness in life through acceptance of what is so. Mindfulness does not just magically make everything OK but it shows us, when we can stop resisting. She discovered this lesson while teaching herself to walk a tight rope. Here is what she said about the experience:…

Meditation. What images does this word bring to mind? It mind be a saffron-robed longhaired Indian swami or a seated and smiling Buddha. While the mention of the word meditation may evoke exotic images, it can also be more accessible and approachable than you might think. In fact, I would suggest that all athletes have…

Greetings friends on Beliefnet. Thanks for following my blog. We can also connect through social media. I invite you to link to me on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.  Friend me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter  Link to me on LinkedIn Sign up for the Exquisite Mind Newsletter if (document.location.protocol === “https:”) document.icpsignup.action = “https://app.icontact.com/icp/signup.php”; function…

View images in a New York Times slideshow from a recent show at the Asia Society entitled, “Pilgrimage and Buddhist Art”

Shinzen is one of the world’s most unique meditation teachers and he happens to live in Vermont. That’s very fortunate for us here and fortunately for everyone else, Shinzen travels around the country offering retreats and has a YouTube channels with talks and interviews (see below). He has a very approachable, structured, and fun way…

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