L’histoire nous libère des entraves History frees us from the shackles Henri-Irénée Marrou In a place of elite commentary and closed exclusive media with no reader engagement, is there freedom of speech? Image used at my column based with Iran’s Press TV website With the exception of blogs like this one and certain columns at…

Dans un état bien ordonné, la liberté de la presse doit être illimitée pour les écrivains qui surveillent les fonctionnaires publics. In a well-ordered state, freedom of the press must be unlimited for writers who monitor public officials. Jean-Paul Marat Good news. One of my books, priced at Amazon, is available for free as a paper…

L’hypocrisie est un hommage que le vice rend à la vertu. Hypocrisy is an homage that vice pays to virtue. François de La Rochefoucauld I have a new viewpoint article due to appear at Press TV soon, but in the meantime, I would like to congratulate Robert Wei on being added to our club of writers…

Quamvis enim melius sit benefacere quam nosse. It is better to do good, than to know. Charlemagne While I have recently had my analysis of Obama’s Iraq and Syria wars published at Press TV, the main material that has been on my mind recently has been Google’s book, The New Digital Age (2013). I have thoroughly reviewed Google’s…

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