Toutes les fois que je donne une place vacante, je fais cent mècontents et un ingrat. Every time that I fill a high office, I make one hundred men discontented and one ungrateful. Louis XIV Anarchism is many things, and it is faulted in many ways by its challengers. Opponents see it as insufficient, incapable…

La beauté sera CONVULSIVE ou ne sera pas. Beauty will be CONVULSIVE or not at all. André Breton Americans, the folks who scream and whine more about “terror” threats to their nation more than any other people in the world, are now slamming North Korea after the state took alleged cyber-protest actions to oppose a Hollywood movie blatantly calling for the assassination of the head…

Toutes les lois seront arrêtées par le peuple, après avoir pris le temps de voir ce qui est en jeu All laws should be decided by the people, after taking the time to see what is at stake Jean-Paul Marat My next opinion piece at my Press TV column will be focused on refuting the so-called democratic…

L’homme est libre au moment qu’il veut l’être. Man is free at the instant he wants to be. Voltaire This is a belated post, but an important one for updates. I have recently drafted a review of Charles E. Cobb Jr’s book This Nonviolent Stuff’ll Get You Killed. This will be completed published at Dissident…

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