Letting Go with Guy Finley

In a world where everything’s upside-down, where what seems to be “good” really isn’t, you must learn to discern what’s true from what’s false. The more you try to keep everything in place, the more it falls apart, and you ending up running right past your own life.

In this life, in any given moment, in one way or another (and more or less as you imagined), you will receive what you asked for… do not doubt it. So, learn to monitor your requests, because nothing that was designed or created here below can satisfy your soul except the Creator who shaped it…

Imagine that we’re out to dinner, driving in a car somewhere, or maybe just lying in bed moments before it’s time to turn out the lights. All is well. Everything seems quiet. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, our partner tosses a “grenade” into our lap. Suddenly, but too late, it’s obvious: we didn’t see any…

Question: Judging others is my problem. I comment on their looks, job, what they think, how they feel, etc. I try to stop but it’s constant. What does this mean? Answer: To one degree or another, it’s our tendency to judge each other, especially when someone does something that pushes one of our buttons. But…

When someone says something that is unkind or cruel, it’s because they have perceived something in you that has produced a reaction in them that is born of expectation. They are helpless to act otherwise, which stirs a similar reaction and helplessness within you as well. If you will meet those moments with the wish…

Thoughts turn into acts And habits are formed, From habits the shape Of character’s borne… …In character’s forged Each soul’s destiny, So does Truth make plain The seed is the tree!

We tell ourselves that we want a new life; in our minds we see ourselves reclaiming our right to live without limitations. We see ourselves walking away from destructive relationships and letting go of negative thoughts and feelings. And this is the very problem. We talk to ourselves about a fresh start and even plan…

One thing that makes negative states so difficult to drop is the illusion they create within us that no choice exists for us other than to cave in to their punishing presence. But, in truth, it is not we who are without choice in such moments: it is the negative state that has no choice…

The true measure of one’s strength is not determined by drive, assertiveness, or even willingness to suffer for the sake of some worldly desire. Instead it is found in the degree to which one will agree to enter into the struggle between the indwelling light and darkness.

Each person is created with the tools it takes to master his or her own life. But self-mastery remains the ultimate mystery until that day dawns when — weary of struggling to overcome what he blames for his conflicted self — he lets go and enters into this darkened nature by becoming completely still. And…

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