J Walking

Thanks for your comments and emails about my blogging problem. Thank you too for the exhortations to keep talking and processing and exhorting and confessing. There is a single moment I cannot get out of my mind. It occurred on my last full day in country. I was at the hospital, with the kids suffering…

I am having a blogging crisis. I don’t know what to write. I see the news, I see everything going on and yet I can’t muster much (any) passion to write about them. Yesterday I had a conversation with a friend who was on part of the trip with me. We were both talking about…

Being a dad, I am strong in the animal sounds category. Pigs oink and cows mooo and rhinos snort and snuff (astute readers of Moo, Baa, La la la will get that reference) sheep baaa and goats maaaa. Jesus warns that at the end of days the nations will be brought before him and he…

One of the great discoveries of the last 100 years is BooMama. It is true – somewhere between the first Macintosh and the bass boat is BooMama. Who is BooMama? What is BooMama? Why is BooMama? Well, one must achieve a certain level of enlightenment to answer all such questions. Indeed many who have been…

On my first day at the unnamed hospital in Uganda, I met another little girl named Grace. I caught her out of the corner of my eye as I entered the children’s ward and was talking to another little boy. She had a tumor coming out of the side of her face that, from my…

The news is good – my brain is shrinking. During the past 15 rounds of chemo the tumor area has shrunk more than 30%. And that is that. I’ll go another four rounds and we’ll revisit this same conversation round about June. Thank you for your prayers. I wish, truly wish, I had something profound…

So, I found this via my friend Carlos. It is a “30-Day Sex Challenge” started by the folks at Relevant Church in Tampa, Florida. Here’s the gist of the challenge: People are not having enough sex. An epidemic of breakups prove the needs that lead to a great sex life are being overlooked. Dirty dishes,…

Today, NIH, MRI. There’s a new policy in place there that requires a blood test before the MRI. So I went there late – I run late – got in line and was told to go to booth 13. I poked my head in the booth, didn’t see anyone but decided to plop down in…

I can’t quite bring myself to return to “normal” blogging. I’m not quite ready to return to “real” life. To do so feels like a betrayal of all that I’ve seen and, more importantly, all that I now know exists. A big part of me knows that isn’t true. I’ve got to reengage in politics…

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