The Neo-Evangelical Coalition Breakdown Why has the coalition broken down? I don’t know for sure, but I think the following two are contributing factors: First, some evangelicals who were nurtured in fundamentalism never really softened enough to be big tent evangelicals. They simply cooperated as long as it was the best American evangelicalism had to…

Grace overwhelms             First, grace overwhelms injustice. Grace sizes things up with laser-beam accuracy. Grace diagnoses you and me as “sinners” in that you and I have each committed scads of injustices, some of them intentionally and some of them not. It sees us as “unjust” and, instead of sending us into the frying pant to…

Evolving in Monkey Town: How a Girl Who Knew All the Answers Learned to Ask the Questions by Rachel Held Evans Zondervan ISBN 978-0310293996   Reviewed by Justin Topp, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology, North Park University Blog:  and Twitter: JustinTopp   The biggest complaint my students have about me is that my tests are too hard.  I use a…

Pete Enns has had an interesting series on BioLogos discussing the meaning of the phrase “Image of God” (You will find it here: Part One, Part Two, and Part Three). From the Part One of his series: Some understand image of God to mean those qualities that make us human, for example: possessing a soul,…

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