This is the chp some of you are waiting for. In this chp, Brad Wright examines the big one: Are Christians loving?  And I’m going to depart from normal custom and give the results first: When it comes to measures of love and compassion, Christians do well compared to society. They are neighborly, forgiving, and…

When you hear these two words, the words “evangelical” and “eschatology,” what is the first word that comes to mind? I’m asking you for the first thing that comes to mind. Here’s what would probably be said by conventional culture: “rapture.”  What words are you hearing? What “eschatology” do you think evangelicals have? Steve Wilkens…

This is a bit of a book notice. IVP sent me an advanced photocopy of James Payton, Jr.’s, book, Getting the Reformation Wrong: Correcting Some Misunderstandings , and I want to urge it upon readers who have any interest in the signficance of the Reformation for the contemporary Church — and the Reformation reshaped the…

John Mark Hicks, Come to the Table: Revisioning the Lord’s Supper ,  suggests the Table of the Lord is for all … except the rebellious. Jesus welcomed sinners and tax collectors and prostitutes to his Table, but those who came were invited to come because they could find grace. Those who came were either curious seekers or…

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