Jazz Theologian Live! Experiences Thousands of people have packed into ‘standing room only’ Jazz Theologian Live! experiences.  They are a beautiful marriage of the spoken word with jazz, soul, and gospel music in which seeker and seasoned Christian alike are invited to compose a jazz-shaped faith.  Thus, giving way to an experience of the gospel…

I’m in search of a new “Third Space.”  My old one closed down.  It was where I could go and sip coffee, get some work done or just think.  Since my third space closed it’s doors i’ve been a bit lost.  I’ve tried a few others (like Panera and Starbucks) and, while they’re adequate, they…

Composing a jazz-shaped faith is about practicing Christianity.  When a musician takes the stage practice is assumed.  A basic understanding of one’s instrument, music, standards and the essence of jazz are all necessary (and expected) in order for concert to be experienced. How would this change the way we view what it means to be…

A jazz theologian is someone who has discovered that jazz is more than music.  Therefore… We are practicing Christians.  Having spent sufficient time in the woodshed learning the old standards we now syncopate, improvise and respond the the call of a Love Supreme. We walk with Christ, embracing creative tension, joining in the mystery of…

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