I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land. (Joel 3:2)

I disagree with Ed Stetzer about many things, but to list them here, now, would take away from the power of what he tweeted last night.

Stetzer, senior fellow at Wheaton College’s Billy Graham Center, is a leading voice among evangelicals today. Few have networked as extensively as Stetzer.

As the death cult in Palestinian society continues to slaughter Jews in Israel, the silence from American evangelical leaders grows. Granted, their first priority should be shepherding their flocks and advancing the Gospel. Yet in bygone days, their voices in support of Israel were important.

Today, the most famous Christian celebrities sanitize Israel from their conversations and proclamations. At best. Often, they criticize the Jewish state, and in so doing join the Spirit of the Age.

Stetzer, however, tweeted last night that the terrorism being unleashed in connection with the Temple Mount is not acceptable. It’s an important statement, and one he should be commended for making.

The anti-Semitic UN monitors Israeli activity from Jerusalem's Old City.
The anti-Semitic UN monitors Israeli activity from Jerusalem’s Old City.

The Bible says that God will judge the gentiles for the way they treated His people, the Jews.

I’m not at all sure today’s evangelical leadership believes that.

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