"new moon in leo"
Photo by Aliza Einhorn

It’s the end of the day as I type this. Listening to melancholy music. Not very Leo of me! Not very New Moon in Leo of me. What is Leo? Ardent fire sign. Stubborn. Proud! Kingly and loyal.

Leo rules the HEART, is courageous and confident. And yet I know Leos (Sun or Rising or Moon or all three) who lack in these qualities. See, it takes all kinds.

The cards that I’m about to draw are for the Leos (or anyone reading this) who need help discovering their inner Leo, their inner Lion: courage, RESILIENCE, grit.

A New Moon in Leo is a New Moon in EGO and I mean this in a good way. Ego as in SELF-RESPECT. Even the most compassionate among us cannot give it all away, for then they would have nothing left to give. In my childhood tradition, charity is required and is a virtue, but not if it impoverishes your own family. You have to have enough ego to not let yourself starve.

One card for Sun in Leo, one for New Moon in Leo, and one for Jupiter in Leo (which will be conjunct Sun and Moon!)

These cards are showing me your fear but also the way out of your fear. Fear about not having enough. Fear of nothing working out:  Five of Pentacles and the Seven of Pentacles. Interesting no WANDS here. Wands are fire. Pentacles are earth. And the way out of the fear? The Jupiter card? The Magician! Haven’t seen him in a while. In fact, I can’t remember the last time. And hmm he has a wand!

The couple in the Five of Pentacles are out in the cold, shivering. There is a lighted window behind them. Did they leave that warm place? Or just not see it? Why can’t they see it? Why can’t they see shelter is here?

And then the man in the Seven of Pentacles: he has not failed but he wonders if he has, evaluating his crop. He is surrounded by everything lush but… his eyes face downwards. He is pulled down, I think. He can’t find his flame, his fire.

Earth School is trapping these people 😉 they’ve forgotten how to fly. THAT’S WHAT FIRE IS FOR. TO MAKE US REMEMBER THAT WE ARE SPIRIT. SPIRIT IN BODY. WE ARE SOUL, HOUSED TEMPORARILY in these… blood and bone shacks!

The Magician is called the Alchemist in this deck. He is a creator, a generator. Fear isn’t part of his laboratory. He’s got his books, his tools, his divine inspiration. Man (or woman) with a plan! Fear of lack? Nah. Fear of failure? He’s TOO BUSY making magic. The Magician IS ego, is consciousness. He is looking for a cure for fear. He believes he can, WILL have an affect on the world, heaven and earth, with his spells and magic and alchemy.

You’ve got the power (says the Magician). You’ve had it all along.

P.S. Are you interested in receiving a personalized Tarot/Astrology reading? I have a new Special going on for folks who find me through Beliefnet. Click here to get in touch. Ask me about my new Astrology class! We started today but there is room for you. Email for details.

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