"full moon in sagittarius" I do not usually cast my Tarotscope predictions based on astrology or Sun Signs. What I do is decide which area of life I want to focus on — and the topic for this week is LOVE — and then I draw a card.

This week I’ll be drawing cards for:

those lost in love
those seeking love
the broken-hearted

But before I get started, a few astrological tidbits: Venus and Mars, the planets most ensnared in matters of the heart, are NOT joyous turtledoves this weekend. Venus will be cranky. Mars will be cranky. Now, I’m not telling you to cancel your date night. Let’s see what the cards have to say BUT… the Moon will be slogging through duty-bound, faithful Capricorn. You may find yourself considering making love to a stack of invoices rather than to your Beloved.

For those dreamy-eyed, Lost in Love lovers:
Seven of Pentacles, reversed. Upright, he’s afraid he’s failed, that it’s over. He’s wondering if his time and energy and resources have been wasted. But reversed/inverted? Love blooms. You’re upside down, inside out, beside yourself with desire. We see seven disks of desire, each one representing another part of you: lips, eyes, neck, hands, fingers… you get the picture 😉 You care not what has or hasn’t grown. Yet.

So for those Lost in Love lovers, I predict more of the same. Enjoy!

For those Seeking Love:

Another reversed card, the Queen of Swords. Upright, I tend to hold a more traditional meaning of this card: mourning. But reversed? The sword of love that cut you so thoroughly may finally fall from your fist. You don’t need it anymore.  I think what happens is… we get hurt. And then we protect that hurt. We cultivate it. Instead, the sword (the hurt) can be like that lone tiny bird in the Rider-Waite version of this card: on its way somewhere else.

For the Broken-Hearted:
We see the Fool. Now you are free.

Have a great weekend everyone!


P.S. Interested in receiving a personalized Tarot/Astrology reading? Use this link to get in touch with me!

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