Inspiration Report

I love this website, The concept is so simple. It’s just people posting their daily intentions, and it’s very inspiring. “To act compassionately and passionately in all areas of my life and toward all beings” “Accept life as it is” “I intend to get back into the gym after a three-week hiatus due to…

The blogs are buzzing this week about the discovery of Oprah’s half sister (my favorite tweet thus far being from TV host and comedian Stephen Colbert: “Oprah revealed she has a secret half-sister. Great, now everybody is going to want one”). As interesting as it is, I was touched more so by an interview she…

“… Seek peace, and pursue it.” – Psalm 34:14b Yesterday, I was lying in a yoga studio listening to a woman softly tell me how to breathe. It was the end of our practice, and we were supposed to be resting. I, however, was thinking too much. I wasn’t worrying; it was just the on-going,…

The classic Christmas dinner from A Christmas Carol!

I am a huge Daphne Rose Kingma fan and so exited about her newest book. It really reminds me of the essence of what Beliefnet offers to readers. In Ten Things to Do When Your Life Falls Apart, her first book in several years, Daphne takes us on a path of emotional and spiritual healing…

I was invited a while ago to visit the Halo Salt Rooms in Manhattan. As a big fan of the salty ocean scent, I thought it might be a little like a day at the beach, so off I went. The salt rooms are a little more like tiny, personal caves, where you sit in…

It is all in the name of Autism. America’s first fast-food hamburger chain, White Castle, and NEST Fragrances, a specialized home fragrance company, have once again joined forces to serve up another round of The Original Slider®-Scented Candle to benefit autism fund-raising and satisfy the holiday gift-giving needs of White Castle lovers everywhere.  A slider scented…,  a website founded by Lori Pederson, is designed to inspire and provide you with tools to assist a love one through the grieving process.   They also offer a free newsletter on how to assist your friends and family members through the journey of restoring balance in their life after the death of a love…

Guest Blog by By Dr. Brian Alman and Stephen Montgomery Here’s how to deal successfully with any physical or emotional challenge. It’s called the “Find Your Voice Process.”  Spend just a few minutes a day, and as often as needed, taking yourself through the following three steps: Step 1: Experience Your ChallengeFirst, stop trying to…

They say that laughter is the best medicine. It helps us heal, and keeps us light. It is a special elixir that brings vitality and a hopefulness. Author Lexie Brockway Potamkin is working on her fifth book in her “What is…” series and invites readers to share their thoughts on What is Laughter? If you…

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