Inspiration Report

I was touched by the response to Your Thoughts Create Your World. It takes a lot to change your thinking. Here is more encouragement from author and pastor Joel Osteen.

This week’s blogs have sparked some interesting comments. On both Out Your Envy and Your Thoughts Create Your World, readers mentioned broken hearts and love lost. Heartache is the worse. It can sometimes sap every ounce of energy and optimism out of you. When you go through a broken relationship, it can take a long…

I am living in yesterday’s daydream. I know that sounds weird, but I’m telling you, it’s the truth. I feel like I’m constantly having déjà vu. For example, I live on a block in a neighborhood I envied for years. I used to drive through downtown, always look at a particular row of houses and,…

I want to piggyback off of my thoughts on outing your envy from yesterday’s blog, because I realized that envy is not the only emotional master of disguise. Have you noticed we do that a lot? Act one way when we feel another? For example, we were often told that bullies were simply kids who…

“Don’t waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind. The race is long and, in the end, it’s only with yourself.” – Mary Schmich I am in love with my life. I honestly wouldn’t trade shoes with anyone else. I have a vibrant social life. My friends are inspiring, loving and loyal.…

I’m training for a marathon. Most mornings I can get up and go, but this morning was a struggle. I had to drag myself out of bed at 6:30 a.m. and, even though I was up, I still grumpily wandered around the apartment and put on my running shoes begrudgingly. It’s hard to do the…

This is just a funny, silly video to make you laugh today. If you could write a caption for this video, what would it be? What do you think she’s saying? Watch More Funny Videos: The Laughing Bride Everybody Needs Somebody: Dog Cries with Baby Talking Babies

If you follow entertainment headlines or are a fan of late night talk shows, you know the strange adventures of Conan O’Brien. He was a comedy writer who landed his own show, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, on NBC for several years, after which he was promoted to the dream of a lifetime for any…

A few days ago I asked you to brag about your dad. And boy, did you brag! More than 100 comments full of touching stories and life lessons from your fathers. You all have been blessed to have such amazing men in your life. Here are a few that were truly extraordinary: (The following have…

Mothers are great, but there’s something uniquely special about a good father. If you have one or had one, you know what I’m talking about. Here’s the man who loved and hugged even if it wasn’t second nature to him. He led without fear (or if he was scared, he never let it show). He…

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