Would you save a suicidal person by falling 30 feet through the air with them? Robert E. Smith Jr., a 48-year-old father and grandfather from Allentown, PA, did exactly this on Monday. A 20-year-old suicidal woman climbed up a fire escape to the roof of a three-story personal care facility she was staying at in Lehigh Vallery.  News…

Last month we wrote about Carlos, a brave 7-year-old boy who saved his mom and sister from robbers with guns. This month, another brave young boy in Chicago named Luis Reteguin saved his mom from a dangerous attacker and intruder. At 1 a.m., a man armed with a knife entered Luis’s home.  Both Luis and his mother…

At 13-years-old, Jordan Romero has a high and lofty goal: to be the first youngest person to climb Mount Everest in Nepal. Together with his father and stepmother, Romero is an avid climber who has already traveled from his hometown of Pasadena, CA to climb six of the world’s seven highest peaks. “To get up off…

Would you be willing to give your kidney to save the life of a complete stranger? Five people (4 women, 1 man) in Chicago are doing just that–donating one of their kidneys to potentially save the lives of over a dozen people who need transplants. These “Good Samaritan organ donors” are part of a series of…

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