What show currently on television is the friendliest toward Christians? If you are like most people, a competitive singing show would probably be near the bottom of your list. In that case, you may not have been watching the most recent seasons of “American Idol.” The famous singing contest has changed dramatically since it first…

Recognized from her roles on ‘Survivor’, ‘The View’, and ‘FOX & Friends’, celebrity Elisabeth Hasselbeck has a huge presence in Hollywood. Hasselbeck is known for her large media personality, but she is adamant that her public persona is rooted in her Christian beliefs. In an interview with Christianity Today, Hasselbeck spoke about her faith journey…

It’s easy to see why many celebrities in Hollywood quickly fall into the dangerous traps of the secular world. Hollywood is not a fan of religion, particularly Christianity, so many stars find their identity in worldly materials, possessions and people. There are a few celebrities, however, that have chosen to take the path less traveled.…

More and more Christian celebrities are under fire for attending churches that hold a biblical view of sexuality. Chris Pratt is one of them. Pratt was recently criticized in a Washington Post column for attending Zoe Church, in Lose Angeles. Drew Goins, who wrote the column said the church doesn’t fully affirm LGBTQ beliefs. He…

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