Based on a true story, Brian Nichols was on the run from authorities in a citywide manhunt.  Armed, desperate, and looking to connect with his baby son–the fugitive takes Ashley Smith (Kate Mara) hostage in her own apartment. Smith didn’t need such drama in life as a recovering methamphetamine addict. This would be her shot at redemption.

“I believe as human beings that we’ve all done things we’re not proud of. We’ve all had moments were we wished for and hoped for a second chance, and to see it afforded under the most unbelievable circumstances, I  think this film signifies hope for anyone and everyone,” actor David Oyelowo  shared about his role as Nichols in the thrilling drama “Captive.”

During captivity, Smith reached for the popular book, The Purpose Driven Life, given  at a recovery meeting. She trashed it, but someone brought it back to her as she exited.

The Purpose Driven Life became more than a book—it became Smith’s lifeline under captivity. Reading the book out loud from the kitchen table, a would-be killer, and the hostage both reached a crossroad–a greater purpose was unwrapping before them.

Playing a role based on a true story is one of not only passion, but immersion, which can be tricky for any actor. “When dealing with somebody like Brian Nichols who killed four people in one morning, you know you’re about to inhabit space that you’re not comfortable with,” Oyelowo said.

Smith gained real freedom in her life. Freedom from addiction and a dark path that she was on. Today she is a living light of what freedom truly is.

“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams,” Smith explained about her experience in her autobiography. She fought, and now she’s showing others we all have a purpose.

“That was miraculous to me, and that tipped it as a reason for me to see this film made. She continues to live a life full of hope, acknowledgement, acceptance, and [the] celebration of redemption afforded that day. And here we are with a movie of her life. I am very encouraged in my mind how God used someone so very broken.”

Captive” opens in theaters on Sept. 18, 2015.

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