Robert Pattinson.vfcover.jpgReally: what’s a day without gazing at “Twilight”‘s Edward Cullen–I mean Robert Pattinson–and that gorgeous face of his. And those smoldering eyes! Can’t forget the eyes. The moody look. That twisted smile.
Sigh. Okay. I’ll stop. But really: want to brighten your day? Swoon a little as you anticipate the much awaited release of “New Moon” on November 20th? If you’re Team Edward like me (boo for Team Jacob), then this endless article–yes, that’s right, the COVER STORY!–in this month’s Vanity Fair is a must read, see, and see, and see again. In “‘Twilight”s Hot Gleaming” (emphasis on HOT), not only does Evgenia Peretz treat us to sigh-worthy tidbits about Edward (again, what I meant to say was Robert Pattinson), his life as the entire world’s vampire heartthrob, what’s up with the ever growing “Twilight” movie franchise, and other fun facts about his highness, but the best part is the online SLIDE SHOW: “The Robert Pattinson Portraits.” Robert in a tie looking all moody. Robert in a cozy Irish knit sweater looking all moody. Robert in a white t, curled up with a pillow looking all moody.
You get the idea: Photos of Robert as Edward as moody vampire galore! Not to be missed. Do I sound a bit too excited? A tad ridiculous? I might. I don’t care. I love my Edward. Well, you now what I mean.

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