Who says Middle Easterners and Muslims don’t have a sense of humor? Because in these tense times, if you can’t make fun of the situation you’re in, then you’re up the creek. And so my husband and I laughed until the tears rolled as we watched “The Axis of Evil Comedy Tour,” which was just…

I always dreamed of the day when a Hollywood director would have the courage to transform a biblical disaster story into a big screen blockbuster. I thought my dream had come true when I saw the posters for “The Reaping,” a film that depicts a modern day onslaught of the ten plagues. The film focuses…

Say what you will about “The Sopranos.” Chances are that it’s already been said. In the last decade, no show has been praised more highly, examined more closely, credited with more cultural influence, or been as consistently good as “The Sopranos.” It has its detractors and its flaws, but most importantly, it has its legacy.…

I remember watching the finale of “7th Heaven.” Even though I hadn’t been following the show since most of the Camden kids moved out and a string of random houseguests filtered through, I felt enough of a loyalty to tune in for the last episode. Apparently, three million other people felt the same loyalty I…

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