I look at my boys and I see their disappointment. I remember a day when they wanted me to break free. I wasn’t shrewd enough to know attempting to leave was naive. I didn’t know there were some people who would never let you go. Who would make moving on impossible. A game where there…

In many ways, we can learn from our youngest selves. Toddlers live in real time.  There is zero pretense, no games and no holding back. Toddlers demand to be heard and because of this we listen.  Is it possible we complicate things as time moves forward and our egos develop and dig in? Toddlers are…

I have just finished a post on narcissism yet sift through my e-mails to find more individuals begging for resources after reading one of my columns. The desperate pleas cry for help to aid in divorcing a narcissistic spouse. Unfortunately, the legal system does not have the resources to combat divorcing mental illness nor is…

When I write about narcissism I hear from men and women all over the country. The reason? Narcissism is what I refer to as the “Invisible Illness.”  Society can’t see it. Goodness knows even some of the family and friends of the narcissist can’t see nor understand it. To be fair, those in relationships with…

I admit it. I stayed in an unhappy marriage for too long. Initially, I did this for all the right reasons or what I call my favorite reason…LOVE. But ultimately even I was smart enough to realize any type of unhealthy relationship cannot be defined as love. That’s when the secondary reason for staying hindered…

Christmas wishes are supposed to come true, right? I’m pretty sure I asked for this exact same thing last Christmas! I logged onto LinkedIn today and noticed one of my favorite West Coast law firms had a great graphic with the exact same caption as my title. Well, the ‘All I Want for Christmas Is…

Nothing like a New Year for a new start! When we think of relationships, we tend to focus on our most intimate ones. In reality, many of the dynamics which evolve in our romantic and family relationships also evolve in our friendships and workplace. Why? Because typically we all play roles within our own family…

Each year we strive to not repeat much of our past. In the relationship world, that statistic is stacked against us. Admit it! When we are young, we believe we are relationship Ninjas! Immune to any sort of duplication of our past! Our mother! God love her! We won’t make her mistakes! We won’t remain…

So you have a broken heart? That’s the bad news… The good news? You don’t have to talk yourself into getting over this person. You really can get ahead of the ‘dread’ ED ex in the New Year! I know what you’re thinking! It’s so much easier to hate the cheater or even better the…

Divorce! Everyone has an opinion, a judgment or advice on how to navigate it.  Well, at least those who haven’t experienced it. Those of us who have survived the rigors of matrimonial extrication offer more empathy than advice. Think of it this way. A child is frightened to get an immunization. You assure them it…

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