It is getting dark and I am perched in front of my keyboard. I have been jamming through my inbox, cleaning out e-mails, doing work and research since morning.

I am having one of those in-between days. There is nothing jarring, stressful or new on the divorce front – phew!

Yet, not a particularly upbeat day either. Fortunately, these somewhat melancholy, in-between days that remind me I am neither completely out of the past nor further into the future aren’t as common as they used to be. However, they are still an occasional reality. The status quo – all a part of the misadventures of divorce.

My fingers slow as computer fatigue sets in. I am secretly pleased with myself that I have pared down to not only double digit e-mails, but shockingly below twenty. This is a rarity.

A friend and I are e-mailing about work. We agree to shelf everything until next week. He closes out his e-mail to me with well wishes.

“Keep your chin up. God makes beautiful things out of the sh*tty stuff.”

I smile. It’s grace meets reality and quite frankly, very, very true. I type my response.

“I can’t wait until sh*tty becomes beautiful.”


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