Health On Life's Journey

Shaped like a star when cut crosswise, the starfruit not only makes for beautiful presentation when served, it is also a wonderful source of many nutrients. This uniquely shaped fruit is rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, B (eg. folates, riboflavin, and pyridoxine) and C, as well as potassium. It is also one of the few…

The global artichoke is an unusual food. A member of the thistle family that is cultivated as food, it is one of the world’s oldest cultivated vegetables. Artichokes are used in many parts of the world both as food and as medicine. The edible portion of the plant is actually the unbloomed flower buds. Each…

Olives are often used for flavoring or garnishing food, while olive oil is often used to cook other foods. However olive is eaten, it has high nutritious value. These black or green nut-shaped fruits have powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can protect you against heart diseases, cancer, and other inflammatory diseases like asthma and arthritis. Studies…

Honeydews make great snacks this holiday season. Not only are they rich in nutrients, they can also help your body with some cleaning up after the holiday feasting. Honeydews are rich in B and C vitamins, as well as copper. In addition, its high water (95%) and potassium content can actually help you in controlling…

Cashew nuts make a great snack gift this Christmas. They are not only tasty as a snack, they are also nutritious. And they can make you feel really good! This is because cashew nuts are high in the amino acid tryptophan, the primary building block of serotonin, which is in turn a neurotransmitter responsible for…

Pumpkin seeds may be small, but they are highly packed with nutrients. They are especially good for guys, and here’s why. Pumpkin seeds are extremely rich in zinc, magnesium, manganese, protein, omega 3, iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins E and B (especially niacin), as well as phytosterols. Pumpkin seeds contain as an important phytosterol known as…

The eggplant (sometimes known as brinjal) is an unusual fruit vegetable because of its vibrant purplish color. But it is this color that gives the vegetable its unique health property. The skin of purple eggplant contains a powerful antioxidant called nasunin. Animal studies found that this compound is especially protective of brain cells when it…

Known in the Philippines as the “tree of life”, the coconut palm is an amazing source of food and medicine – virtually all parts of the tree can be used in one way or another for nutrition or healing. The fruit of the coconut palm (i.e. the coconut) is probably the most widely used. Coconut…

Considered by Ayurveda to be the “king of fruits”, mangoes are tasty, juicy fruits that are highly nutritious. This fragrant and sweet fruit is rich in carotenes, vitamin C, copper and vitamin A. It is also a good source of vitamin E, potassium, iron and magnesium. Containing over 80% water, the mango is an excellent…

Shaped like a turnip but the size of a beet, the maca root was considered by ancient people to be a magical food. Used by the ancient shamans of Peru, the root is known to enhance the stamina of warriors during battles. Today, maca root is sometimes used by athletes as a natural alternative to…

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