Why are superfoods so special?

Not only are they complete and densely packed with nutrients, their nutrients are also easily absorbed and used by the body. This makes them great for preventing illnesses (yes, including cancer!), maintaining good health, and even reversing some diseases.

Include some of the following superfoods in your regular diet today, for excellent health and vitality.


Acai berries are loaded with antioxidants– nature’s gift against cancer. A research found that when leukemia cells were exposed to acai berry extract, 45 – 86% of the cancerous cells were killed. A potentially lethal weapon for preventing, and even reversing cancer, acai also has anti-inflammatory properties, so it can be useful against arthritis.

For the best results, avoid acai processed under high temperatures.


The alfalfa has powerful nourishing and rebuilding properties because it is rich in minerals, vitamins and essential amino-acids. With the ability to purify and build blood, it is particularly useful for those of you with anemia. It can also help heal ulcers and increase your immunity.

Alfalfa sprouts contain abundant phytochemicals that can help in reducing your cholesterol and menopausal symptoms, as well as help you prevent cancer, osteoporosis, heart diseases and stroke.

It is also a great source of nutrients for pregnant and nursing mothers. Its rich vitamin D content means that you can consume it for your supply of vitamin D during the gloomy winter months.

Barley Grass

Following the wisdom of our early ancestors who were believed to have lived on rejuvenating grasses in the ancient African savannas, many nutritionists are promoting barley grass as a gluten-free source of vital nutrients, enzymes and amino-acids.

Because it contains living chlorophyll, barley grass can help you rebuild blood and body tissues, neutralize toxins in your liver and body, and normalize your blood-sugar levels.

Barley grass is also well-known for containing a powerful antioxidant, which can protect your body against the harms of radiation, chemicals and toxins. In addition, barley grass alkalizes the body and aids in cell-DNA repair. These properties make barley grass an important anti-cancer food.


Chlorella is a green algae that is widely consumed for its ability to detoxify the body. When you consume this amino-acid-based plant-food (great for vegetarians!), it binds to heavy metals and toxins in your body and facilitates their elimination, while leaving beneficial minerals needed by your body untouched.

It seems that chlorella is especially useful against degenerative diseases. You can also use chlorella supplements to improve your immunity and digestion, increase your energy levels and ability to concentrate, normalize your blood sugar and pressure, as well as reduce your cancer risk.


As a blue-green algae, spirulina has powerful immune-boosting abilities. Besides general immunity, it also supports the growth of healthy gut bacteria, which helps keep candida-overgrowth in check. It has also been shown to inactivate the human immunodeficiency virus associated with HIV and AIDS.

Rich in essential nutrients like amino-acids, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll and antioxidants, spirulina is good for blood-building, especially if you have anemia. The essential fatty acid that it contains can give you healthy bones and teeth. Like chlorella, spirulina can be used to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, reduce cancer risk, and even improve memory.


Garlic, a common kitchen food-herb, is well-known for its antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial properties. It is also a potent natural remedy if you are suffering from yeast infection.

It can give a powerful boost to your immunity and reduce your risk of cancer. Garlic is also useful if you have high blood pressure, cholesterol or unhealthy blood sugar levels. Regular consumption of this superfood can reduce your risk of atherosclerosis.


1. Collins, Elise Marie. An A-Z Guide to Healing Foods: A Shopper’s Companion. San Francisco, California: Conari Press, 2009. Print.
2. Murray, Michael T., ND. Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements: The Essential Guide for Improving Your Health Naturally. New York, NY: Three Rivers Press, 1996. Print.

3. http://www.all4naturalhealth.com/benefits-of-alfalfa.html
4. http://www.all4naturalhealth.com/barley-grass-powder.html
5. http://www.all4naturalhealth.com/health-benefits-of-spirulina.html
6. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/02/01/is-this-one-of-natures-most-powerful-detoxification-tools.aspx
7. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/07/01/spirulina-the-amazing-super-food-youve-never-heard-of.aspx

Cindy L. TJOL is trained in Psychology, Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has several years of experience writing on natural health on the internet. Follow her on her blog and read her other articles at Insights On Health.com.

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