The EGO is the source of many (or all) of our problems – failure to accept our reality and our power and responsibility in its creation. The matrix of the reality we have created for ourselves may seem complex, especially when we fill it with external and often empty entertainment, media, TV, film, internet, social…

Are you being gaslighted? gaslight: manipulate (someone) by psychological means into doubting their own sanity. Gaslighting is a form of narcissistic abuse where a person, by way of manipulation, starts to question their own perception. Does the following seem familiar? “You’re imagining things.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “You’re being over-sensitive. It’s all in…

Life is so fragile. Sometimes little dramas are sent to test us – see where we are. Always we find confidantes and allies, and the Holy Spirit will send little helpers and small (or big) miracles our way. It is the gentle message from Spirit that we are loved beyond measure. We are all a…

TV blaring the “false” news from across the globe, social media screaming out events of friends and workmates, text messages bubbling over and missed calls on mobile phones…to the sounds of thunderous traffic outside, engines blurring, honking – where is the peace? Is this life – how is it supposed to be? Who are “we”…

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