PLEASE hit the “Like” button above to share the Good News and add to your favorites. New stories every day! American filmmaker Dan Woolley was in Haiti last year when one of the worst earthquakes in history devastated the country. Dan works for Compassion International and was staying in the Hotel Montana in Port-au-Prince while filming…

PLEASE hit the “Like” button above to share the Good News and add to your favorites. New stories every day! Lots of talk in the news about another spike in unemployment. It’s easy to get down when you are out of a job but it’s important to not let it define you! You have to…

PLEASE hit the “Like” button above to share the Good News and add to your favorites. New stories every day! A woman who claimed a charitable deduction for taking care of 70 stray cats won her case against the IRS, a victory for animal-rescue volunteers across the U.S. that helped clarify the treatment of unreimbursed…

PLEASE hit the “Like” button above to share the Good News and add to your favorites. New stories every day! In Argentina a dog heard the cries of a newborn baby that had been abandoned. Having puppies of her own, the momma dog knew what to do. She managed to get the baby over to…

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