This spring, my new book will arrive in bookstores and readers’ hands! Don’t Panic!: How to Keep Going When the Going Gets Tough is for anyone who feels unsettled, even panicky, today, whether because of illness or personal turmoil or because of events moving and shaping our world. It contains practical advice on ways to…

Sometimes, the brightest of Christmas celebrations is followed by a feeling of letdown, a hollow sensation that something is missing after all the festivities, gifts, and socializing. And if you live with a chronic, serious illness, you might feel this and dread – even with all of the readings and songs about God’s love and…

Happy Thanksgiving? It’s been a year of amazing blessings, but also a lot of extra pain and uncertainty, not to mention the ups and downs of having to take a new medication that has some unpleasant side effects. More than one person I know has died this year. Others are slowing down due to age…

Life with chronic illness tends to go through stages, and probably the most difficult one is when you first leave the doctor’s office with a diagnosis. Perhaps, at first, you feel a bit of relief. Finally, you might exclaim, there’s a definite name for what I have! But then, as the news sinks in, you might…

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