
The Brody File has the scoop on a new faith tour the Obama campaign is launching next week. Reprising a strategy that Obama and Hillary Clinton began experimenting with in the primaries last year, the tour will feature religious figures, scholars, and politicians: Some of those high profile figures include Former Indiana Congressman and pro-life…

The Washington Post has printed this cartoon poking fun of Sarah Palin’s former Pentecostalism. Brody has the understandably indignant response from the Assemblies of God. Update:A reader notes that it was washingtonpost.com, not the paper’s print edition, that carried the cartoon. Post ombudsmand Deborah Howell alludes to the disctinction in her explanation of the incident,…

The New York Times delivers a postcard from Catholic-rich Scranton, PA that spells trouble for Barack Obama: Dozens of interviews with Catholics in Scranton underscored the political tumult in the parish pews. At Holy Rosary’s packed morning Masses on Sunday in working-class North Scranton and the Pennsylvania Polka Festival downtown that afternoon, many Clinton supporters…

The AP is reporting that Sarah Palin isn’t the hit among younger evangelicals that she is among their parents. It cites some anecdotal evidence from interviews, but there are some big caveats: Polls have yet to measure the Palin Effect on younger evangelical voters, whose shifting political allegiances put the demographic in play for both…

Responding to God-o-Meter’s post on the avalanche of comments coming in questioning Obama’s sincerity as a Christian, a reader posts video of conservative Faith of Barack Obama author Stephen Mansfield defending Obama’s faith while opposing his politics and taking the church to task for demonizing political opponents:

Steve Waldman has excerpts from Douglas Kmiec’s new book, Can a Catholic Support Him? Asking the Big Question about Barack Obama. The passages cover Kmiec’s being denied communion over his support for Obama and his defense of the Illinois Senator for opposing the Illinois “Born Alive” Act. Read God-o-Meter’s interview with Kmiec, a conservative legal…

Almost 200 comments since yesterday on God-o-Meter’s post about Obama’s new line of faith merchandise, and many of them read like this: Wonderful. Catholics supporting someone who supports infanticide. Can you even consider yourself Christian if you support Obama? and this: Aren’t Marxists atheists? I’m confused as to why Barack Obama would embrace religious people…

A group called Born Alive Truth is airing this anti-Obama ad in Ohio and New Mexico:

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