
Remember all those stories earlier this year about the Christian Right’s waning influence, about how James Dobson and his crowd were on the way out and had been marginalized by their own political allies, the Republicans? That John McCain, who once referred to the movement’s leaders of “agents of intolerance,” threatened to write an epitaph…

God-o-Meter asserted last week that McCain veep pick Sarah Palin is Catholic. It seems that Palin was baptized a Catholic after birth but was baptized into the Assemblies of God as a teenager and that she now attends an Assemblies of God church in the capital and a non-denominational church at home. According to the…

Thought the news that McCain’s family values veep pick’s unmarried 17-year-old daughter is five months pregnant would dampen support for her from the family values crowd? Hasn’t exactly played out that way. In fact, Christian RIght leaders are applauding Bristol Palin’s decision to keep her baby: Southern Baptist Convention public policy chief Richard Land: “This…

Below is a taste of the press release the conservative Catholic group Fidelis released this morning on the Palin announcement. Obama has a Catholic running mate. Now McCain does, too. The fight for Catholics is going to heat up big time. God-o-Meter has said it before: this year is for Catholic voters what 2004 was…

Below is McCain’s statement announcing Sarah Palin as running mate. There’s a big omission: no mention of her being a social conservative, a darling of the Christian Right. Instead, she’s framed as a bipartisan peacemaker. The McCain campaign must figure that everyone who needs to know about her pro-life advocacy and other social conservative activism…

God-o-Meter just hung up with Connie Mackey, senior vice president of Family Research Council Action, who is absolutely thrilled at McCain picking Palin. She was also totally stunned. I know that a bunch of conservatives had pushed her name, but with sincere doubts that it would happen. Needless to say I’m surpised and thrilled. Mackey…

A lot of people are surprised by McCain’s selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate. God-o-Meter was suprised when Southern Baptist Convention politicla chief Richard Land pushed for her so forcefully in a CBS News interview a few weeks back. CBSNews.com: Who’s on the list of people mentioned for VP that you…

Multifaith and overtly evangelical at the same time (watch Hunter’s special instructions the crowd ad the end):

Obama devoted one fat graph in tonight’s nomination acceptance speech to culture war issues: We may not agree on abortion, but surely we can agree on reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies in this country. The reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than for those plagued by gang-violence in…

A few weeks ago, when spurned McCain booster John Hagee announced at his huge annual “Night for Israel event that he wouldn’t be endorsing another presidential candidate anytime soon, God-o-Meter expresses its amazement. It wondered aloud whether this was a sign of serious evangelical political disengagement, three decades after Jerry Falwell convinced evangelicals and other…

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