Check out this new election video emphasizing pro-life, anti-gay marriage positions from the conservative Catholic group Fidelis. The New York Times reports that the video, which implies support for the Republican ticket, has been posted by Catholic churches across the country on their web site. For a good example, check out the site of The…

God-o-Meter has proposed that when Sarah Palin uses the term “world view” she means biblical worldview. Here’s how she used the phrase in last night’s debate: But even more important is that world view that I share with John McCain. That world view that says that America is a nation of exceptionalism. And we are…

The Matthew 25 Network, founded by John Kery’s onetime religious outreach director, launched a new pro-Obama site targeting pro-lifers this week. The site prominently features former Reagan/Bush 1 legal counsel Doug Kmiec, who God-o-Meter interviewed recently, making a case for how to reduce demand for reducing abortion without criminalizing it.

Sarah Palin’s selection has split the Republican Party between the religious conservatives and everyone else, evoking the failed nomination of the evangelical Harriet Miers (right) to the Supreme Court three years ago. That split was more visible than every this week. Here’s what the new Pew poll found: There also are sizable differences in opinions…

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